Breaking News

Saturday 24 January 2015

Cameron: U.K.-India ties now stronger, deeper

British Prime Minister David Cameron.
British Prime Minister David Cameron.

In his special message to India on the occasion of its 65th Republic Day, Prime Minister David Cameron hailed the U.K.-India relationship as a “partnership between two equals with a mutual respect for each other."
"I send my warmest wishes to everyone in India, the U.K. and around the world celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Republic Day," the Prime Minister said in his message.
“As millions of people mark this important milestone we can reflect on the enduring and special relationship between our two nations – the world’s oldest democracy and its largest.”
“This relationship has gone through great changes. Our collaboration is now stronger, deeper and more far-reaching. It is a partnership between two equals with a mutual respect for each other.”
The British Prime Minister, who has visited India thrice during his tenure, each time leading a large business delegation, underscored the growth in economic ties during his tenure.
“We are generating more jobs, more growth and more security for our two countries. And yet I believe that the future will only continue to get better for us both.
Beyond our economic ties, I am extremely proud of our people to people connections and of the enormous contribution of the Indian community to Britain. Whether it is through enterprise, culture, public service or business British Indians are at the forefront of our country and make an incredibly positive impact.
I look forward to a future where the U.K.-India relationship continues to thrive and we share many more milestones and experiences,” he said.


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